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For our British Medical Association (BMA) award-winning
Overview of Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Information Guide

This invaluable Overview Guide explains in easy-to-understand language what snoring and sleep apnoea is, why it is a problem to BOTH the snorer and partner, and what can be done about it.It is MUST READ information for anyone with a snoring or sleepiness problem.

Kath Hope

CEO, Hope2Sleep Charity for Sleep Apnoea


ASAP Anonymous Sleep Apnoea Process. I wouldn’t have tested without this. I would still be driving my truck, nodding off at the wheel and sleeping in laybys, if this wasn’t available.

For our ‘How to stop snoring: The definitive, step-by-step Guide (2023)


This is a very comprehensive manual for those interested in understanding why they snore and what to do about it.

Adrian Zacher has many years of experience in this field. Take time to read it carefully as there is a great deal of information to digest.

Armed with this information one should be able to make informed choices as to what to do about snoring and possible sleep apnoea.

For our on-demand CPD Snoring Courses for Dentists


This is a very simple, yet effective tool to learn about Dental Sleep Medicine. The online nature of the program allows you to learn at your own pace and schedule.
Also, the information provided will provide a great starting point for any dentist who’s interested in learning about Dental Sleep Medicine.

In summary; a well-organized, thorough online learning tool!!

Dr Shouresh Charkhandeh DDS
Recipient of the “2012 & 2015 Clinical Research Award” and “2015 Clinical Excellence Award” from the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine (AADSM).