Our FAQs are listed below. If you have one that isn’t answered, please get in touch.

Information Guides FAQ
Simply put, these are facts you can rely on, instead of marketing hype.
Our evidence-based content has been written by medical, dental and other health professionals whose training or credentials are listed. This means we make conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of current best evidence when writing our information guides.
Snorer.com policy is to ensure that our Snorer.com guides are consistent with positions of the National Institutes of Health, findings of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) and guidelines of relevant medical/dental societies, and professional consensus statements or best evidence based on scientific research published in peer reviewed journals.
FREE Snorer Guides are about snoring and sleep apnoea, why it matters, how to get tested for sleep apnoea and the various treatment options.
Sleep apnoea FAQs
No. Sensitive information like that is not stored.
What we do store though, is a cryptographic hash of the data, which can be thought of as a trap door. You can never get the original text back from the hash, but if you have the original text you can recreate the hash. What this means, is that when you enter sensitive information such as your password, a hash of it is calculated on your PC and only the hash is sent to the server which is then compared with what is in the database.
Unfortunately that is an ever present risk and that is no different from somebody breaking into your car, home or office.
We have safeguards and procedures in place to limit the risk of that happening though. Much like somebody might install CCTV or hire a night guard.
Our systems to do not store patient identifiable medical data, and it would be silly to detail further the measures we take to protect your data.
No. Some people who test will have sleep apnoea – and some won’t!
This is known as ‘prevalence’ or the prevalence proportion of a population found to have a condition. For obstructive sleep apnoea this ranges widely with age and gender from 2-50%.
You’d be testing to check that you don’t have sleep apnoea, and if you do, to get treated so that it doesn’t affect you.
Created by Adrian Zacher | Page last updated 4th Jan 2021 | Snorer.me Signposting is CE marked standalone, software as a medical device (SaMD).

The manufacturer is Snorer.com Ltd. 2 Baynards Green Farm cottage, Baynards Green, Bicester, Oxon. OX27 7SG. UK.